What Happens to Your Body After a Lymphatic Massage?

What Happens to Your Body After a Lymphatic Massage?

Would you like to give yourself a lymphatic massage with Zen at Home? Do you want to experience the feeling which is 100% great after getting the massage? Let’s get into it. Even though everyone has a different experience, here’s what you can usually look forward to after a 60-minute lymphatic drainage massage with us.

Deep Relaxation

Our massage method sets off your body’s “rest and digest” mode, which makes you feel very relaxed during and after the session. It will feel like you’re floating on a cloud of peace.

What Happens to Your Body After a Lymphatic Massage Dubai

More Frequent Urination

Get ready to have a bigger need to go to the bathroom more often. Don’t worry! What it depicts is that massage cleanses your system by helping you get rid of fluids and any other waste in your system. 

Changes In The Urine

Don’t be shocked if the color or smell of your pee changes a little afterward. It’s a normal part of detoxing because your body gets rid of extra fluids and trash, like getting rid of extra stuff.

More Energy And Better Brain Clarity

Feel more energetic and mentally sharp after getting a massage. Your body and mind feel refreshed after our massage because it gets rid of toxins and inflammation.

Getting Rid Of Swelling And Bloating

If you’ve been having trouble with bloating or swelling, our massage can help. You’ll see less puffiness because the lymphatic system controls the flow of fluids. Continuing to swell? Let’s look into more options.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Feeling More Thirsty

Drink water! Your lymphatic system goes into high gear after our massage, which makes you thirstier. Hydration helps the lymphatic system drain, which keeps the flow of blood smooth throughout your body. It’s like giving a yard lots of water to keep it healthy.

The Chance Of Getting A “Detox Flu”

It’s not common, but some people may have a short bout of “detox flu” after getting a massage. This can include flu-like symptoms like fever, sore muscles, or feeling sick. Don’t worry. It means your body is trying to clean itself out, and your immune system is getting stronger.

Stronger Immune System

Our massage strengthens your body’s defenses without you even knowing it. Improving the function of your lymphatic system makes your immune system better at fighting off invaders and keeping you healthy generally.

When you’re ready to take care of yourself, give yourself a lymphatic massage with Zen at Home. Your body will be grateful for the time spent relaxing. Moreover, We offer plenty of services as well such as Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Oil Massage, Pre and Post Natal Massage, and more in Dubai & Abu Dhabi areas such as Dubai Marina, Jumeirah Islands, Al Rawdah, Bawabat Abu Dhabi and other areas.

What Happens to Your Body After a Lymphatic Massage - Zen At Home


Can you tell me more about lymphatic massages?

A lymphatic massage is a gentle type of massage that helps the lymphatic system work better. The soft strokes activate the lymphatic system, which cleans your cells by getting rid of waste and impurities.

How uncomfortable is a lymphatic massage?

I don’t think it should hurt. The truth is that it’s soothing and easygoing. The gentle, rhythmic strokes are designed to stimulate your lymphatic system in a way that won’t hurt.

What is the average duration of a lymphatic massage?

The average duration of a session is sixty minutes. This allows for ample time to attend to all the key areas and guarantee a comprehensive massage.

Can a lymphatic massage have any negative side effects?

While a lymphatic massage usually leaves most individuals feeling rejuvenated and at ease, a small number of people have reported short-term side effects such as increased urination, altered urine appearance, or mild fatigue. The detox process is perfectly normal and causes all these symptoms.

What is the recommended frequency for lymphatic massage?

What your needs and goals are should determine how often you get lymphatic massages. For the best health, regular trips, like once every two weeks or once a month, may be enough. If you’re trying to get better from a health problem, your massage therapist may suggest that you go to more frequent meetings. You should always talk to a professional to find the best plan for your needs.