What Areas Should You Not Massage During Pregnancy?

What Areas Should You Not Massage During Pregnancy?

It’s natural if you look for ways to de-stress and feel better during your pregnancy. Zen at Home provides calming in-home spa treatments in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, at your convenience.

It’s crucial to understand that particular body parts must be avoided during pregnancy if you’re thinking about getting a massage for your unborn child’s security and well-being.

The Reasons Behind Off-Limited Areas

Massages during pregnancy are an excellent approach to reducing tension and discomfort. Therefore, To minimize danger, certain points should be handled carefully. 

Here’s a closer examination of those particular zones!

Areas Should You Not Massage During Pregnancy Dubai

Areas Around the Abdomen

Your baby’s abdomen gets more delicate as they get bigger. Avoid massaging the belly directly to avoid causing the baby any discomfort or danger.


Pregnancy-related increases in blood volume might make the legs especially vulnerable to edema and blood clots. While deep tissue work on the legs should be avoided to prevent the possibility of dislodging a clot, gentle massage can assist reduce discomfort.

Particular Pressure Points

There is a belief that specific bodily locations, such as the wrists, ankles, and spaces between fingers, are related to reproductive regions. 

Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, Zen at Home practitioners err on the side of caution and steer clear of these locations when massaging these points in order to induce labor.

Pre and Post Natal Massage In Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Position Is Important for Your Massage

For your comfort and security, posture is crucial during a prenatal massage. It is not recommended to lie on your stomach, and after 20 weeks, sleeping on your back may put strain on important blood veins, which may reduce blood flow. 

Zen at Home therapists make sure you’re positioned properly, either in a semi-reclined position or on your side with cushions for support.

Take Prenatal Care With Personalization 

Selecting Zen at Home entails choosing individualized care that honors the particular requirements of your pregnancy. Our in-home spa massage services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are made to offer comfort and relaxation without sacrificing your or your child’s safety.

Zen at Home offers a haven to pregnant women. We offer the best home spa services such as Pre and Postnatal, Hot oil Massage, 4-hand Massage, and more! You can have a calm pregnancy experience and peace of mind with our specialist services. 

We are available for you if you live near Emirates Hills, The Greens, Bawabat Abu Dhabi, Sas Al Nakhl Village, and other areas in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. 

Areas Should You Not Massage During Pregnancy Abu Dhabi


What makes the prenatal massages offered by Zen at Home unique?

Because of their extensive training in prenatal care, our therapists customize each massage to the unique demands and stages of your pregnancy.

Is it okay to receive massage therapy at any stage of my pregnancy?

Yes, with modifications made to protect the safety of both you and your unborn child at each trimester.

How do I schedule a Zen at Home prenatal massage?

It’s simple! To schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience, simply contact us via our website or customer service.

Do you provide massages to the expecting mother?

Indeed. Our postpartum massages are intended to support your healing and renewal.