How Does A Home Massage Help with Your Postnatal Recovery?

How Does A Home Massage Help with Your Postnatal Recovery?

Even though it’s an incredibly joyful event to welcome a new life into the world, moms may face mental and physical challenges throughout the postnatal period. 

Prioritizing self-care is critical while your body heals after the incredible experience of giving birth. Zen at Home provides postnatal massage treatments in the comfort of their client’s homes in the middle of busy Dubai, creating an oasis of calm.

The Comfy Touch

A postpartum massage at home goes beyond being a mere indulgence and becomes an essential part of the mother’s recovery process. 

A skilled masseuse’s delicate touch may do wonders for reducing postpartum pain, increasing blood flow, and relaxing tight muscles.

New moms in Dubai and Abu Dhabi may take advantage of Zen at Home’s individualized home spa treatments without leaving the comfort of their own homes. 

The postnatal healing process benefits greatly from the tranquil atmosphere fostered by trained therapists.

How Home Massage Helps Postnatal Recovery Dubai

Relaxing the Body and Mind

Experiencing a wide range of emotions is common in the time after giving birth. A new mother’s health might suffer from stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep. 

Both your body and mind may benefit from the tranquility of a home massage

A sense of serenity and equilibrium can be achieved via the combination of therapeutic procedures and a soothing environment.

Keeping Your Body’s Chemicals in Balance

Hormonal changes after giving birth might affect how you feel emotionally and physically. The body’s natural mood enhancers, endorphins, can be stimulated by a well-planned at-home massage

These massages help with the postpartum blues by restoring hormonal equilibrium.

Postpartum bodies go through a lot of changes, and Zen at Home massages are designed to help with those changes and the delicate balance that comes with them.

Pre and Post Natal Massage In Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Peaceful Sleep

As new moms, you know how valuable sleep is. The exhaustion and disturbed sleep habits could be too much to bear. 

The calming effects of a home massage can help you get a better night’s sleep by easing muscle tension and tension in the mind. 

A vital part of getting back on your feet after giving birth, this lets your body rest and regenerate.

Building Bonds with the Child

One of the distinctive aspects of postnatal massages provided by Zen at Home is the emphasis on strengthening the maternal-fetal connection. 

The massage becomes more of a bonding experience for mother and child when techniques are used that include the infant.

We are dedicated to meeting the requirements of new moms by offering revitalizing home spa treatments, which make self-care easy and accessible.

How Home Massage Helps Postnatal Recovery Dubai and Abu Dhabi


Is it safe to have a home massage postpartum?

In a word, yes. Zen at Home has professional therapists on staff who are well-versed in postnatal care and can adapt their massage techniques to meet your individual requirements.

How soon after giving birth can I have a home massage?

Two weeks following a vaginal delivery is the minimum time required, while six weeks following a cesarean section is the maximum. But before you do anything, it’s wise to talk to your doctor.

Can I get a home massage if I’m breastfeeding?

We provide postures and techniques that are suited for nursing moms, and our therapists are aware of your comfort.

Which parts of the body are targeted during a postnatal massage?

Areas like the lower back, hips, and shoulders that could go tight during delivery are usually the targets of our postpartum massages. In any case, we tailor every session to the specific requirements of our clients.

What necessities are there for a postpartum home massage?

Making your house a relaxing and inviting place is all that’s required. Everything else may be handled by us. We will provide all the necessary items for a restful and restorative session.