Get Eid Home Massage Day at Home in Dubai & Abu Dhabi

While everyone is preparing for Eid, remember to take care of yourself. Why not feel good all day without leaving your house? Zen at Home provides high-end spa treatments in the convenience of your own home. Let’s have a look at some ideas to create your own calm and healing atmosphere this Eid.

The Maderotherapy Method

Maderotherapy, an old Colombian practice, uses expert hands and wooden implements to relieve stress. This relaxing massage increases circulation and reduces fat. It will leave you feeling light and refreshed, ready to take on the holiday spirit of Eid with new energy.

Maderotherapy Dubai and Adu Dhabi

Body Slimming Massage

Feel better about yourself with our Slimming Massage, which will contour your body and make you feel better. This particular treatment is ideal for anyone who wants to shine over the holidays. It will help you feel stronger and more ready to make the most of Eid.

Slimming Massage in Dubai

A Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is an excellent approach to reconnecting with oneself. This treatment is best for your muscles to relieve mental and physical stress. Experience the quiet and beauty of Eid with a fresh sense of calm.

Deep Tissue Massage Dubai and Abu Dhabi

The Couples Massage

A Couples Massage is an excellent method to express love and be with someone. This time spent relaxing with your partner, a close friend, or a valued family member fosters long-lasting ties and wonderful memories. Enjoy the tranquility and enjoyment of Eid with your loved ones, and as you do, strengthen your bonds.

Couples Massage Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Make your Residence a Nice Place to Rest!

Zen at Home allows you to create a tranquil and soothing environment in your house. Our expert therapists can bring the spa to you, ensuring that every element is just to your liking. Self-care may be enjoyable without ever leaving the house, due to silky robes and relaxing music.


Take some time to focus on yourself this Eid and let Zen at Home help you feel and look good. All of our services are great for different types of people. We offer Couples Massage, Slimming Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and Maderotherapy. Do something really nice for yourself and enjoy the real meaning of Eid from the comfort of your own home. Get it Now if you live at Al Kasir, Al Bateen and other areas of Dubai and Abu Dhabi!


How can I schedule a Zen at Home spa day?

Making a reservation is simple! Visit our website or contact us directly to make an appointment. Provide us with your selected time, date, and treatments, and we’ll handle the rest.

What kinds of massages are offered at home on Eid Home Massage Day?

To improve your relaxation and well-being throughout Eid, we provide a variety of revitalizing treatments, such as Maderotherapy, Slimming Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, and Couples Massage.

Is it possible to customize my spa day?

Of course! We are happy to customize your spa day to your unique requirements and preferences. We’ll customize the experience for you, whether you want to combine different treatments or put together a unique package.

What safety precautions are taken when having a spa day at home?

Our top priority is keeping you secure. We maintain a clean and safe atmosphere for your peace of mind by strictly adhering to hygiene and safety regulations. These include routine health checks for our therapists, protective gear use, and thorough equipment cleaning between appointments.