Save Time And Get Home Massage Services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Save Time And Get Home Massage Services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Unrestrained stress is a silent murderer, slowly but surely attacking our health. An estimated 120,000 individuals die each year from the stress of work, according to the American Institute of Stress. However, Zen at Home’s in-home massage service in Dubai and Abu Dhabi allows you to manage your stress from the comforts of your own home.

The Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage Dubai and Abu Dhabi

In 2014, researchers discovered that patients with chronic lower back pain experienced significant improvements in their range of motion and back pain with regular massage treatments. Our deep tissue massage, a well-liked at-home massage service in Dubai, relieves chronic pain and muscle tension by targeting the muscles’ deeper layers.

The practice of Medotherapy

Maderotherapy Dubai and Adu Dhabi

Massage therapy provides numerous additional health and wellness advantages in addition to reducing stress. One of the special services offered by our home massage service in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is medotherapy, which treats specific health issues and improves overall well-being by fusing conventional massage with medical knowledge.

Pre And Postnatal Massages

Pre and Post Natal Massage In Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Pregnant ladies who have our pre- and Post Natal massage feel better both during and after their pregnancy. Additionally, it eases their tension and increases their enjoyment. Pregnant women in Dubai and Abu Dhabi may get massages in the comfort of their own homes thanks to this service.

Sports massage

Sports Massage Dubai and Abu Dhabi

According to a 2018 study, athletes who had massages on a regular basis experienced less stiffness in their muscles and backs. Being the only one of its kind in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, our sports massage service aids in athletes’ performance and expedites their recovery.

Pros and Cons of Zen at Home

 If you select Zen at Home’s in-home massage service, you may avoid traffic, reduce driving-related stress, and save money on gas.

Save Time And Get Home Massage Services in Dubai

The in-home massage services offered by Zen at Home in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are more than simply a nice-to-have. Maintaining healthy physical and mental health in our high-stress environment is critical. Start living a happier, more peaceful life by experiencing Zen at Home’s comfort, ease, and healing power for yourself.


How can I book Zen at Home massages?

Zen at Home sessions are simple to book! Schedule an appointment by visiting our site. Tell us your desired date and time, and we’ll do the rest.

Which massages do you offer?

We offer Deep Tissue, Swedish, Sports, and other massage treatments. We have the right massage for relaxation, pain relief, or total well-being.

Should I bring anything for the session?

Nope! For your massage, we give a comfortable table, fresh linens, and high-quality oils. Just give us enough space at your home to set up, and we’ll do the rest.

What are your safety measures?

Health and safety are our primary objectives. Our therapists wear masks, sanitize equipment, and maintain social distancing.

Can my massage have a special focus?

Absolutely! We recognize everyone’s requirements are different, so let us know if you’d want us to focus on specific tension or discomfort during your session. We’ll customize your home massage to your needs.